Message Detail

2024 "The Resurrection and the Life"

- 4/6/2024

"The Resurrection and the Life" tells the story of Simon the Leper, a man mentioned only by name in Scripture. We know that he was a leper and that he was healed of his leprosy, although we are not told when or how. We know that he hosted a dinner at which the Lord Jesus Christ was present not long before his crucifixion and resurrection. We know that an encounter with Jesus changed him for all of eternity. All of the other events and relationships portrayed here are the result of speculation. What is known for certain is that Jesus came into this world to die for the sins of all mankind, and that even today He is still extending the invitation: “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” (Isaiah 45:22)

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