Sunday June 16 2024

Order of Service

10:45 AM

6:00 PM

Come, Christians, Join to Sing (35)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (258)
This Is My Father’s World (67)

Special Music:  Gabriel Kirby

Message By:  Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.

The Old Account Was Settled (136)
The Love of God (223)
For God So Loved the World (100)

Offering:  Tim Uibel

Special Music:  The Renaissance Men

Message By:  Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


CONGRATULATIONS: to Ed & Mary Dannettel on the birth of their granddaughter, Anna Mae Harper, on Saturday, June 8, weighing 8lbs and 21.5 inches long.
 The proud parents are Christian & Jennifer Harper.

VBS AND TEEN REVIVAL - Mark your calendar, both take place July 14 through July 18. 
Please sign up to volunteer at the Welcome Desk. Registering for VBS can also be done at the Welcome Desk or through the Church website.

MANDATORY VBS TRAINING - All volunteers and bus workers must attend this training, which will take place on Sunday, July 7, at 5:00 p.m., in Baker Auditorium. 
Please see Pastor Josh Belcher or Jennifer Brown if you have any questions.

COOKIE DONATIONS NEEDED - We are in need of cookies (no nuts) for VBS.  Please sign up at the Welcome Desk. 
Cookies need to be dropped off in the Church Kitchen by Sunday, July 14.

BUS MINISTRY - It’s more than just a ride to church. Come be part of one of the best evangelistic tools in the history of the local church!
 Contact Pastor Josh Belcher to find out where you can serve.

From My Heart

     I want to thank the ABC Class for the wonderful job they did with our Ice Cream Fellowship last Sunday. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time, and the Ice Cream from Hoffman’s is always a great treat. Thank you to the servers, the ones who set up the tables, and those who took everything down and cleaned up! It was a great evening.

     The Lord said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32). There are two natural questions which come to everyone’s mind when they hear this verse. First, what is truth? The second, “Once we know the truth, it will make us free to do what?” Let’s begin with the first question.

     “What is truth?” Well, don’t forget the Lord Jesus said in John 14:6, “…I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Jesus Christ is the truth. He is not a truth, as if to say He is one among a many truths - but He is the Truth. Back in the first chapter of this great Book, in 1:17, John said, “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

     Truth is the body of real things; it is the entire body of facts which make it true and therefore, irrefutable. Truth is the body of true statements and propositions. Since the Lord Jesus is Truth, when we know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, we know truth!

     And the second question v. 32 stirs in our minds is, “If knowing Truth makes us free, what are we free to do?” Truth makes us free to do what? Well, Truth makes us free to live for the Lord. You see, before we knew Truth, (or before we knew the Lord Jesus Christ) we did not live for the Lord Jesus. We could not know the Truth of God, and the entire realm of Christianity was foolishness to us.

     In I Cor. 2:12-15, the Apostle Paul deals with this Bible Truth and says in v. 14, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” An unsaved person cannot receive the Truth because they do not have the Holy Spirit of God in them to give them understanding.

     This is why you will see folks come to church and then hear me preach some “Truth” from the Bible, and they get up and leave! Oh, you loved that “Truth” you just heard from the Word of God, but an unsaved person does not receive it! And the reason they don’t is because they are spiritually discerned. They simply cannot receive “TRUTH!” Ironically, they will readily believe a “lie,” but will not receive the Truth.

     It is good to know, that now that you are saved, the Truth makes you free from the bondage of sin, and you CAN live for the Lord Jesus. It is good to be free!



Bill Davis - Sinai 5002

Carol Fitz - Union Memorial 823

Chuck Mahanna - UPMC Harrisburg ICU16

Steven Quade - UM BWMC 274A

James Wimert - Sinai CICU435

Upcoming Events

Sunday School

Oct 20
9:45 AM
All Campuses
We have Sunday School for all ages and interests. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. If you have questions, please stop by the Welcome Center or call the Church office at 410-876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Oct 20
6:00 PM
All Campuses
We have Worship Services and Sunday School for all on Sunday. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Royal Blue Class - Senior Adult Visitation & Soul Winning

Oct 21
10:00 AM
All Campuses
Join the Royal Blue Class members as we visit shut-ins and encourage those who are hurting!

Grief Share - 13-Week Seminar

Oct 22
6:30 PM
All Campuses
Join us as we navigate the challenges of overcoming loss - whether it is the loss of a job or relationship or a loved one.

GriefShare for Children/Teens

Oct 22
6:30 PM
All Campuses

Spanish Ministry Activities

Oct 23
5:30 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Master Clubs

Oct 23
7:00 PM
All Campuses
Children 4yrs thru Grade 6th are invited to take part in Master Clubs, which meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. during the regular school year. During the summer months another program, Dynamite Club, happens at the same time.

Soul-Winners Club

Oct 23
7:00 PM
All Campuses

Spanish Ministry Activities

Oct 23
7:00 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Teen Impact

Oct 23
7:00 PM
All Campuses
Teens - 7th grade thru 12 grade are invited to take part in Teen Impact, which takes place every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in Baker Auditorium. All are welcome for a great time of worship and Bible study.

Deaf Ministry Events

Oct 26
10:00 AM
All Campuses
The Deaf Minsitry holds various events throughout the year.