Sunday June 30, 2024

Order of Service

10:45 AM

6:00 PM


My Country, ’ Tis of Thee (602)

The Star-Spangled Banner (600)

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place (399)

Special Music:

Krista Bezold & Kellie Muller

Message By:

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


Constantly Abiding (396)

Blessed Assurance (368)

The Light of the World Is Jesus (146)


Caleb Muller, Tim & Andrew Uibel

Special Music:

Paul & Karen Albaugh

Message By:  

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


SYMPATHY: to Frank & Lee Alt at the recent passing of her brother, George Pletzer, Jr. No service is planned at this time.

VBS AND TEEN REVIVAL: are starting soon! Both take place July 14 through July 18.  Please register for VBS at the Welcome Desk or through the Church website. To volunteer, you may also sign up at the Welcome Desk.

MANDATORY VBS TRAINING: All volunteers and bus workers must attend this training, which will take place on Sunday, July 7, at 5:00 p.m., in Baker Auditorium.  Please see Pastor Josh Belcher or Jennifer Brown if you have any questions.

COOKIE DONATIONS NEEDED: We are in need of cookies (no nuts) for VBS.  Please sign up at the Welcome Desk.  Cookies need to be dropped off in the Church Kitchen by Sunday, July 14.

FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS: Would you like to be a blessing to a person or family in need? Our Food Pantry not only provides individuals and families with food but it opens a door of opportunity to share 'The Bread of Life' with them as well. A flyer with more information and items needed is available at the Welcome Desk.

From My Heart

     Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the entire Book of Psalms.This Book of Psalms is the hymn book of the Bible.  These 150 songs (Psalm means song) were sung by the Jews at various times and for a number of reasons throughout their illustrious history. King David, you will remember, was a musician long before he was chosen as Israel’s King!  Each of these 150 songs had a tune and wouldn’t it be amazing to know the tune of each one?

     Let’s get back to Psalm 119.  This Psalm is divided into 22 sections.  Each section is identified by a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  These are all in order, and at the beginning of each section, the first word of that section begins with the letter of the alphabet that identifies that section.  They do not correspond with the letter once it is translated from Hebrew into English - but they do correspond in the Hebrew text.

     Look at 119:45, “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”  David says he has liberty!  Liberty is the state of being free.  The point David is making is that as long as he stays within the boundaries of God’s law, he has freedom, but the minute he steps outside the boundaries of God’s Law - he risks losing his freedom! 

     Dr. Bob Jones Sr. used to say, as he would wave his arms around, “I have the liberty to swing my arms around as fast and as long as I want!  However, my liberty ends where your nose begins!” If while swinging his arms, he bops you on your nose, he has crossed a line and there will be a price to pay!

     Imagine a walled city with a powerful enemy outside the walls.  You are inside the walls of that city and you have everything you need to survive!  All you have to do is stay inside and everything will be fine - but if you go outside the boundary of the wall, you are going to find a world of trouble!  The bottom line is to stay within the boundaries!

     Now, look at this principle in the matter of sin!  David said he had liberty because he stayed in the boundary of God’s Word! Someone says, “I am a free man, I can do whatever I want!”  And then he murders someone!  By committing murder, he has stepped outside the boundary and will now lose his freedom!  Young people start smoking, not realizing that there is addiction connected to smoking!  Being addicted is not freedom!  The best thing for any person is to stay inside the boundary of God’s Word.

Pastor Norris


Keith Cox - CHC G13

Chris DeGasperi - Out of State

Daniel Harris - Johns Hopkins ER

Richard Mullendore - Meritus 3309

Joanne Ritter - Johns Hopkins 9

Nadine Roberts - Sinai 509

Upcoming Events

Sunday School

Dec 22
9:45 AM
All Campuses
We have Sunday School for all ages and interests. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. If you have questions, please stop by the Welcome Center or call the Church office at 410-876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Dec 22
10:45 AM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Dec 22
6:00 PM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Royal Blue Class - Senior Adult Visitation & Soul Winning

Dec 23
10:00 AM
All Campuses
Join the Royal Blue Class members as we visit shut-ins and encourage those who are hurting!

Office Closures

Dec 24
12:00 AM
All Campuses
Offices are closed for holidays; however, the Church's main voice mail is answered regularly. If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of normal office hours, please call (410) 876-3838 and leave a voice mail.

Christmas Eve Service

Dec 24
6:00 PM
All Campuses
Join us for a candlelight service in celebration of the birth of our dear Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.

Spanish Ministry Activities

Dec 24
6:00 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Office Closures

Dec 25
12:00 AM
All Campuses
Offices are closed for holidays; however, the Church's main voice mail is answered regularly. If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of normal office hours, please call (410) 876-3838 and leave a voice mail.

King's Messengers/College & Career Activities

Dec 28
12:00 AM
All Campuses