Sunday September 1, 2024

Order of Service

10:45 AM

6:00 PM


Heaven’s Jubilee (543)

Redeemed (161)

Without Him (468)

Special Music:

Paul & Karen Albaugh

Message By:

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


Just Over in the Gloryland (529)

A Shelter in the Time of Storm (400)

Work, for the Night Is Coming (75)


Brenda Hall

Special Music:

Krista Bezold

Message By:  

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


SYMPATHY: to Rob & Terri Ward and Josh & Kristen Duvall, at the passing of their father/grandfather, William Breon, on Wednesday, August 28. Arrangements are pending.

SYMPATHY: to Mark & Lori Peterson at the passing of Lori’s nephew, Joe Bollinger, on Saturday, August 24. The visitation and funeral service will be held on Tuesday, September 3, in Texas.

SYMPATHY: to Harold & Carol Goettner at the passing of Carol’s son, Kenneth Sheldon, on Thursday, August 22. Arrangements are private.

SYMPATHY: to Lynne Gephart at the passing of her sister, Arlene B. Hayes, on March 17. A private Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, September 8.

NEEDED: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guard in uniform to participate in the Church of the Open Door’s Veterans Day Program on Sunday, November 10, during the morning service. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Don Graf at (443) 605-8800.

SHOP & SUPPORT CCS: Help support CCS by registering your Weis Club Card and earn money for our school by simply shopping! Registration for the 2024-2025 Weis 4 School Rewards program is now open through October 31. Simply go online to, enter your name and card number, and select Carroll Christian Schools. You will not need to re-enroll until next school year. For questions, please contact the school office.

From My Heart

     I do not want summer to be over - but there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening! One blessing we have by living in Maryland, is we get to see four very distinct seasons. Although we have just this week gone through some of the highest temperatures of the summer, we know cooler days are just around the corner. I suppose we should just enjoy whatever the Lord gives us.

     Please continue to pray for Israel and its war with the various proxy groups supported by Iran. The people of Israel are on the highest alert and are prepared for whatever these groups of terrorists might do. Israel gets criticized by the entire civilized (and even the uncivilized) world for defending itself against rockets being fired at them from every angle. Innocent Israeli citizens are being targeted by these terror groups. But that is what “terrorists” do - they create terror in the hearts of innocent people.

     It is a little hypocritical in my opinion that Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, and the Houthis in Yemen can target innocent people and slaughter hundreds of civilians, and there is not one bit of pushback from the Biden Administration, the United Nations, from Great Britain, or any of the multitude of European Alliances. It is unbelievable to me that so many of the world’s leaders cannot see what is happening and stand up to the nations of terror.

     The newest leader of Hamas is now dressing as a woman and sneaking around in disguise because he does not want Israel to kill him. It was reported last Monday that he needs surgery and hopes to surrender to Israel (if they promise not to kill him) so he can get the Jewish doctors to operate on him. Isn’t that something? One could not eat pizza with onions, pepperoni, and anchovies at midnight, then go to sleep, and dream anything even close to how these terrorists think! Unbelievable!

      In the last several years, there has been a huge influx of migrants into just about all the European countries. Thousands and thousands, and multiplied thousands of single Muslim young men have poured into most of the European countries. They will occupy entire towns, take over city blocks in the major cities, and then establish “no-go zones.” They then elect their own people to government positions and set out to create chaos! They then set themselves up to “unofficially” follow Sharia Law. And the idea is to eventually dominate by acquisition! This is what Islam tells them to do.

     The frightening thing is - this is happening right here in America. There are towns and cities in America where Muslims have taken control of the city council, the school boards, the elected offices, even Congress, and even the courts. Dearborn, Michigan, and Minneapolis/St. Paul in Minnesota are just a few examples where Muslims have taken over large areas. This same effort is happening right here in our own country, as for the last four years our southern border has been “wide-open,” and millions of folks have come into our country. After the Rapture of the Church, when the Antichrist calls for “jihad” (holy war) against the Jews and the “infidels,” he is going to have an Army of young men at the ready!

     Paul said in Philippians 4:5, “…The Lord is at hand.” If something is “at hand” it means it is very close. The Lord is coming soon - so we best get prepared for the trumpet’s blast!

Pastor Norris


Patricia Brown - Out-of-State

Charles Cassini - Texas

Betty Jung - GBMC 3628

Ed Mauler - CHC 415

Upcoming Events

Sunday School

Dec 22
9:45 AM
All Campuses
We have Sunday School for all ages and interests. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. If you have questions, please stop by the Welcome Center or call the Church office at 410-876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Dec 22
10:45 AM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Dec 22
6:00 PM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Royal Blue Class - Senior Adult Visitation & Soul Winning

Dec 23
10:00 AM
All Campuses
Join the Royal Blue Class members as we visit shut-ins and encourage those who are hurting!

Office Closures

Dec 24
12:00 AM
All Campuses
Offices are closed for holidays; however, the Church's main voice mail is answered regularly. If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of normal office hours, please call (410) 876-3838 and leave a voice mail.

Christmas Eve Service

Dec 24
6:00 PM
All Campuses
Join us for a candlelight service in celebration of the birth of our dear Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.

Spanish Ministry Activities

Dec 24
6:00 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Office Closures

Dec 25
12:00 AM
All Campuses
Offices are closed for holidays; however, the Church's main voice mail is answered regularly. If you need to speak to someone urgently outside of normal office hours, please call (410) 876-3838 and leave a voice mail.

King's Messengers/College & Career Activities

Dec 28
12:00 AM
All Campuses