Sunday February 9, 2025

Order of Service

10:45 AM

6:00 PM


Springs of Living Water (478)

The Old Fashioned Way (159)

There’s a Great Day Coming (576)

Special Music:

Ladies Rejoice

Message By:

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


Constantly Abiding (396)

The Comforter Has Come (185)

Rescue the Perishing (453)


Josiah Carl

Special Music:

Cheryl Milholland

Message By:

Pastor Norris E. Belcher, Jr.


SYMPATHY: to Brenda Fields at the passing of her brother, Charles Fields, on Thursday, January 30. The funeral was held on Wednesday, February 5, in Westminster.

THANK YOU: I want to thank everyone who remembered Harold and I in prayer, calls, and visits. We have the most caring Pastors and congregation any church could have, the Lord has blessed us abundantly! Harold loved the ministry and couldn’t wait to watch the Live Stream three times a week. He would sing along with every song and follow along with his Bible as Pastor preached. Again, thank you for your love, Janet Switzer and Family

LIVING CROSS: If you are interested in signing up for this year’s production entitled, “Suffer the Children,” you can sign-up at the Welcome Desk or register online through the Church Website. Please see Pastor Jung if you have any questions.

From My Heart

     There is so much happening in our nation right now that the American people are excited about. President Trump is making good on his promises made during the campaign season. He has selected people to run the various departments of the government, and his selections have Democrats pulling their hair out by the roots! Their plan is to obstruct as much as possible in an effort to stop Trump’s picks from getting the necessary votes to get through the Senate. It seems the Democrats have not learned a single thing in the landslide victory given to Trump by the American people.

     Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Trump earlier this last week, to see if they can map out a plan on what to do with Gaza and to make sure they deal Hamas the death blow needed to stop the murder and terrorism. Israel has a friend in the White House now, and I think the cuffs will be removed from Israel’s hands which will allow them to get the job done. At least, that is the word coming from Israel and Conservative circles. We should pray for the “peace of Jerusalem,” which is a prayer for the Lord’s soon return.

     The Democrats have been going crazy over every move Trump has made. He slapped tariffs on Mexico and Canada in an effort to secure the southern and northern borders of our country! The purpose of these was to get Canada and Mexico in line on several issues. With Mexico, it was to tell them they needed to stop the flow of illegals and stop the cartels from sending Fentanyl into the country. Close to 100,000 people have died in 2024 because of the Fentanyl that has flooded into America over the last several years. If the Mexican government fails to get serious about these things, there are consequences that will punish Mexico and its economy. So, the Democrats start barking about Trump, and then his tariffs work, and both Canada and Mexico start acting the way Trump wants them to behave.

     The way I see things, the Democrats need to take a look inside their party and realize the American people have rejected their “wokeism,” their “diversity,” their “equity,” and their “inclusion” stuff! To Chuck Schumer, paying 10 cents more for an avocado is more important than protecting our children and young people from Fentanyl and the sex trade markets. Yet, every time one of them sees a camera and a microphone, they run to it to call Trump a criminal, or another Hitler, or a dictator! I think they either need to get on board or simply continue to lose elections! We will see what they choose!

     Have a great day and may the Lord’s richest blessings be yours.

Pastor Norris


Elaine Carabell - CHC 423

Margaret Peterson - CHC 411

Susan Schuiling- UMMC 516

Upcoming Events

Sunday School

Mar 9
9:45 AM
All Campuses
We have Sunday School for all ages and interests. Classes begin at 9:45 a.m. If you have questions, please stop by the Welcome Center or call the Church office at 410-876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Mar 9
10:45 AM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Sunday Worship

Mar 9
6:00 PM
All Campuses
We have two Sunday Worship Services - one at 10:45 a.m. and one at 6:00 p.m. The "message" is different for each service, and all are invited. Stop by the Welcome Center if you have questions or need assistance or call the Church office at 410) 876-3838, ext. 303.

Royal Blue Class - Senior Adult Visitation & Soul Winning

Mar 10
10:00 AM
All Campuses
Join the Royal Blue Class members as we visit shut-ins and encourage those who are hurting!

Divorce Care

Mar 11
6:30 PM
All Campuses
Divorce Care is a 13-week Bible-based video/discussion series to help those who are navigating separation or divorce.

Grief Share - 13-Week Seminar

Mar 11
6:30 PM
All Campuses
Join us as we navigate the challenges of overcoming loss - whether it is the loss of a job or relationship or a loved one.

Spanish Ministry Activities

Mar 12
5:30 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Master Clubs

Mar 12
7:00 PM
All Campuses
Children 4yrs thru Grade 6th are invited to take part in Master Clubs, which meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. during the regular school year. During the summer months another program, Dynamite Club, happens at the same time.

Spanish Ministry Activities

Mar 12
7:00 PM
All Campuses
The Spanish Ministry at Church of the Open Door hosts activities throughout the year. All are invited!

Teen Impact

Mar 12
7:00 PM
All Campuses
Teens - 7th grade thru 12 grade are invited to take part in Teen Impact, which takes place every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., in Baker Auditorium. All are welcome for a great time of worship and Bible study.

Wednesday Bible Study

Mar 12
7:00 PM
All Campuses
Church of the Open Door offers Bible Study for all ages.